My investment principles

I base my investment mindset hugely on Warren Buffett's point of view. Why? It is not because he is one of the richest people in the planet nor am I trying to replicate his success. The reason he influenced my mindset so much is because he really portrays himself as a brilliant person. He does not act like the generic bloodthirsty wall street investment bankers nor CEO. His cheerful personality and trust in his partners is an extremely rare trait nowadays and he hold pretty awesome AGMs. Therefore, I believe that someone with a good character like him should be doing the right thing in whatever he is doing - in this case, investing. Other than Buffett, Philip A. Fisher, Benjamin Graham and David Dodd have also brought me great investing insights, among others. 

 These are the few guidelines I try to adhere to when I am making my investing decisions.
  1. Its better to pay a fair price for a good share than a good price for a fair share.
  2. My expected holding period for any stocks? Hopefully forever.
  3. I do not trade heavily in the market; I intend to hold my stocks until it is unfavorable to do so
  4. I try to not speculate, meaning I usually won't buy startup/new companies (even more so for those that deals in common products/commodities) as these companies can go either way - skyrocket or bankruptcy. Just like blackjack.
  5. I do not aim to buy low and sell high, although stocks usually fluctuate, I believe that over time the appreciation will be easier to achieve than attempting to make profits by aiming to sell at peaks and buy at troughs. (also refer to point 3)
  6.  I diversify my portfolio over small to large cap companies since it provides slightly more excitement than purely large caps (aka blue chips). I also want to sleep soundly at night so i wouldn't dump all my assets into small cap companies (aka penny stocks).
  7. I also try to aim for stocks which give decent dividends.
 For those who are familiar with Graham's Mr. Market theory, I am also a huge fan of it. I do not believe in total market efficiency - it is disasters that brings about opportunity. Imagine if the entire history of the market is a perfect inclined line, there would be no fun nor purpose in analysis. 

Most of my investing is done with a lot of pre-work, and once I deem the company is suitable, I tend to neglect it a little as there isn't really a point to observe all the pips movement since I'm not gonna sell it. Personally, I believe that having the need to sell will automatically mean you bought wrongly - don't buy wrongly.

~will be updated as time passes~ 

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